Monday, October 15, 2018

Share the Truth! (Psalm 28:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:4-5

God has revealed Himself to seeking hearts and minds. Through His creation. Through the testimony of men and women.

Yet, tragically many refuse to acknowledge Him as the one true God. They deny His work. They scoff at His words. They choose to live just as they please.

One day, though, everyone will stand before the throne of God. Each and every person will hear either, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21, 23), or "I don't know you" (Luke 13:27). He will reward those who have committed their lives to Him, and He will judge those who refused Him.

This world is winding down, and I believe the day of Christ's return is close. We who follow Christ need to be diligent about living for Him. We need to surrender to Him each and every day. We need to seek His purpose and His ill.

Ever more, we need to share His truth with others. We need to look for moments to share our stories. We need to help those who are seeking Him to find Him.

It's all that really matters. 

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