Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Story of Grace (John 8:1-11)

Today's scripture: John 8:1-11

I so love today's verses.

I imagine this woman, whom I believe may have been "set up," being dragged from bed. She's with a man to whom she's not married. She's naked. Vulnerable. Knowing she's done wrong.

How did she come to this? Was she lonely? Had she been abused? Had she been seduced in a moment of weakness? We don't know how she got there, but that's where she is found.

A group of self-righteous men burst into the room and grab her. (One has to wonder where the man is ...) Perhaps she only has time to grab a sheet. She's pulled through the streets. Tripping over the ends of her wrap. People point and judge. They snicker and sneer. They know what she's done.

Finally, she's thrown at the feet of the man they call the Teacher. She's heard of Him. That He's done miracles. That He preaches love. That He claims to be God.

And if He's God, He too will revile her. She deserves it, after all.

The men, who have been gathering stones as they stomp through the streets, shout, "“Teacher, this woman was caught sleeping with a man who isn’t her husband. The Law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death! What do you say?”
(v. 4, CEV).

They're right. That's what the law says. She braces herself for the first stone. She waits for the words of the Teacher.

But instead of pelting her with words of condemnation, He doesn't say a word. Instead, he crouches and writes in the dirt. What are those words? We don't know, and many speculate.

I can imagine how the woman's heart falls to her stomach. The anticipation. The fear.

Then a miracle.

After the badgering goes on for a while, Jesus finally stands and says, “If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!”
(v. 10).

Shamed, each of the condemning, hypocritical men drops his stone. And walks away.

After a moment, Jesus looks at the women. “Where is everyone? Isn’t there anyone left to accuse you?”(v.10).

Imagine. She is expecting death. She is offered life. Jesus says, “I am not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don’t sin anymore" (v. 11).

This is my story. This is yours as well. We have all been caught in sin. Each and every one of us. None of us has "never sinned." Each of us deserves death. Each of us should face God's accusations.

But instead of condemnation, Jesus has written our names in the Book of Life. God has written our names on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16). He has made the enemy drop the stones of guilt, accusation, and unworthiness.

He has not accused us. Instead, He offers forgiveness and life. He makes only one command: Don't sin any more.

Those of us who have been saved through grace are blessed beyond measure. God sees beyond our unworthiness and sees worth in us.

And so we should, in utter and complete gratitude, live for Him. Serving Him. Sinning no more.

Just as I imagine this woman did. For the rest of her life.

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