Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Light of the World (John 8:12-20)

Today's scripture: John 8:12-20

We live in a very dark world. What used to be right is wrong. What used to be wrong is right. Truth is relative. Selfishness abounds. I'm going to do whatever I want to because it's all about me.

Sometimes it seems as though the light is forever dimmed. I don't even like to watch the news any more ... it's just too depressing. This morning, my husband had the news on as I was prepping for our upcoming vacation. I wasn't really paying attention, but a sound bite or two permeated. Five teens were killed because the driver was allegedly speeding. Another rounds of tornadoes are heading to the mid-west ... on the heels of the devastating storms from last week. A young starlet seems to be imploding.

Is there any good news? Sometimes it just doesn't seem there is.

But there is good news. The best news of all, as a matter of fact.

Jesus is still the light of the world. He offers hope, peace, and comfort. He promises hope in a seemingly hopeless world. He is the one light that pierces the darkness.

And because He is in those of us who have committed our lives to Him, His light shines through us as well.

Yes, we live in a very, very dark world. And it seems to be growing ever-darker. But we can have hope ... those of us who follow Christ, that is. One day, there will be no more darkness. God Himself will be all the light we'll need (Revelation 21:23; 22:5).

For now, though, let's shine Christ's light. Let's be those small beacons that guide others to that light.

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