Friday, May 17, 2013

To Whom Shall We Go? (John 6:66-71)

Today's scripture: John 6:66-71

Peter asks a question that I often ask as well: "Lord, to whom shall we go?"

I honestly don't know how unbelievers handle just day-to-day living. If I didn't believe God has a purpose and plan for my life, I wouldn't get out of bed. If I didn't have confidence that Jesus would give me daily strength, complete hibernation would be my chosen lifestyle.

This world is just too hard. Too hard.

Watching the news is like seeing prophecy unveiled. War. Natural disasters. Sin. Corruption. Perversion. Hate. Brother against brother.

Sometimes, it's difficult just reading my friends' Facebook statuses. Fighting cancer. Losing loved ones. Looking for work. Struggling with relationships. Praying for prodigals.

It's just hard.

So when things are so rough and valleys so low that the mountaintop isn't even visible, what do we do? Where do we go?

For those who don't believe in a sovereign, loving God? I don't know. Culture? Philosophy? People?

I'm so blessed I don't have to rely on these things ... these things that will let me down more often than not.

Instead, I know I can go to my Lord because, truly, to whom shall I otherwise go?

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