Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Truth (John 6:22-40)

Today's scripture: John 6:22-40

Jesus came to earth to reveal truth. We live in a society that questions if there even is absolute truth. What's true for me may not be true for you. Whatever another believes is okay whether I agree or not.

I respectfully disagree.

According to Mirriam-Webster Dictionary, truth simply means "the state of being the case: fact." That's a pretty clear definition. What is the case is fact and is truth. The fact is that I'm married to Russ, and we just celebrated 25 years. That is fact. That is truth.

Jesus' tenure on earth is fact. Not only does the Bible, an historically-proven book, prove the fact of Jesus' existence, but extra-biblical texts also support this fact. This is proven fact. It is truth.

If it's true that Jesus came to earth, then we can believe the truth of why He came. He came to provide salvation for any and all who choose to follow Him. He came to give us eternal life. As He told His listeners: "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."

We can trust "the state of being the case" of the word of God. We can trust in the truth of Jesus. We can trust His words.

Because they are truth.

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