Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Knowing God's Will (John 7:10-24)

Today's scripture: John 7:10-24

Each of us has a purpose, a God-directed, God-planned purpose. He has given us gifts and talents to fulfill that purpose. In order to do what He's called us to do, however, two things are required: We need to know our purpose, and we need to give Him all glory, honor, and praise.

So, how do we know God's purpose and will for our lives?

First, of all, we need to be willing to do His will. God works through willing hearts. If we resist Him and seek our own paths, He will allow us to follow those paths. During my many years of rebellion, I continually sought my own path, my own will. It was only when I turned back to God and surrendered my life to Him that I began to see His will.

Second, we need to know Him. In order to hear God's voice, we need to recognize it. And we know His voice by reading and studying His word. Few of us hear God's audible voice, but we can certainly hear it through His scriptures. Daily study and meditation of God's word is critical to knowing Him and His will.

Then, we need to give God all glory, honor, and praise. Sometimes, it's far too easy to take credit for what we do. We have the gift of administration, and someone comments on a well-run meeting. We have the gift of hospitality, and we're praised for a slam-bang event. We have the gift of speaking, and we hear how amazing a speech was. Our humanity says, "Yes, I did a great job, didn't I?"

We can forget that it's not us at all. We didn't do anything. Everything we do (our gifts and talents) comes from God. It's only by His grace that He allows us to do anything. We need to be humbly grateful for what we are able to do through Him, and we need to give Him the glory.

When I speak or sing and someone comments on what I said or how I sang, I've learned to say, "Thank you. God is good, isn't He?" It's okay to be graciously thankful for any positive comments, but eyes need to be pointed immediately to the Giver of all gifts.

Be willing to do God's will. Seek His purpose in you by getting to know Him more intimately through His word. And give Him all glory, honor, and praise as He fulfills His purpose through you.

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