Today's scripture: Psalm 32:3-5
Yesterday, we talked about the blessing of forgiveness. We also talked about the two paths that are often taken: using forgiveness as a license to sin (may it never be, as Paul often wrote), or continuing to wallow in guilt. Neither is the way our Lord wants us to live.
There's a third path today's verses deal with: unconfessed sin and its repercussions. Once we confess our sins, God is indeed faithful to forgive them (1 John 1:9). We no longer need to live under their burden.
However, sometimes, we have a hidden sin—well, hidden from everyone but God, that is. We have a secret addiction or a unhealthy habit. We hold it closely, not willing to give it up. What often happens, though, is that hidden sin becomes a stronghold, an obsession. And often, that hidden sin causes other issues, including physical or emotional issues. The New Living Translation paraphrases verse three:
When I refused to confess my sin,Now, certainly not all pain and suffering is because of unconfessed sin. Many godly, committed believers deal with chronic pain or disease. However, sometimes, we do experience physical suffering because of sin.
my body wasted away,
and I groaned all day long.
What's the solution? Confess! God knows our sins, even those we try to keep hidden. All He wants is for us to come to Him, confess, accept His gift of salvation, and "sin no more."
When we do, He forgives. He forgets.
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