Friday, August 15, 2014

God Is Not Dead! (Psalm 13:3-4)

Today's scripture: Psalm 13:3-4

In 1882, Frederick Nietzsche wrote the now infamous words, "God is dead. He remains dead. And we have killed him." In the over 100 years since, atheists and agnostics have argued against the existence of the God of the Bible.

He doesn't exist, they say. They say Christianity is, in fact, dying. A simple Google query on that question has over 15 million results. Those who are anti-Christian seem to think they're "prevailing" against the faith.

Well, as a "religion," perhaps Christianity is dying. Statistics indicate that many, especially young people, are leaving the church. But guess what? Being a Christ-follower isn't about following a religion or attending a certain church. Being a follower of Christ, being a child of the one true God, is about a relationship with the Savior of the world.

I know, I know. You've heard that before.

But the real point is that Christ is alive, and those who follow Him are alive in Him—now and for all eternity.

So, we cannot die. Our beliefs cannot die. The truths of the Bible cannot die.

Our enemies will never prevail against us. Never.

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