Friday, August 22, 2014

Don't Lose Heart (Psalm 27:11-13)

Today's scripture: Psalm 27:11-13

I so often resonate with verse 13 of today's reading:

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness of the Lord
In the land of the living.

So often, I despair of the deterioration of this world. I'm often overwhelmed by the pain and suffering of those around me ... and sometimes by my own pain.

If it weren't for the confidence I have that my God has a purpose in all things, that He has a plan for my life, that He is in loving control, I would certainly "lose heart."

For every moment of despair, there is a splash of joy. A phone call from friend. A long hug from my husband. An adoring look from one of my dog "kids."

For every story of catastrophe, there is a reminder of good in many of us. A father writes of his hopes for his children. A random act of kindness. A selfless contribution to a cause.

God is still demonstrating His goodness throughout our world. There is still beauty to behold, creation to admire, and people to love.

Yes, we could "lose heart," but if we serve the one true God, we can see His "goodness in the land of the living."

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