Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You Are Amazing! (Psalm 71:4-6)

Today's scripture: Psalm 71:4-6

You have a purpose. No, really. You do.

God created you to be the unique, amazing person you are. He has "upheld [you] from birth."

Because you can be confident of this, you can have hope that He has a plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11). He has something in store for you that is just as unique and amazing as you are.

I don't feel amazing or unique, you say. I'm just an ordinary person.

Perhaps you are "ordinary" as the world defines it. Perhaps you haven't sung on a Broadway stage or climbed Mount Everest. You haven't developed a cure for cancer or spoken at the U.N. Your name is not known throughout the world.

You feel ordinary.

Guess what? God often does extraordinary things through so-called ordinary people.

Abraham. Moses. Joseph. Joshua. Esther. Ruth. Deborah.

Peter. John. James

Do any of these names sound familiar? Ordinary people. Yet, God created them to be unique, amazing people who did extraordinary things.

God may well use you on a world-wide stage of some sort. More likely, He's going to use you in your own little circle of influence. He's going to use you to encourage a hurting friend. He'll comfort someone because of your words. He'll save a life through your testimony.

You are unique. You are amazing.

You have a purpose. Ask God today, "What is my purpose for just this day? Please use me to glorify Yourself and touch a life. Just for this day."

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