Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Stand Firm (Psalm 26:9-12)

Today's scripture: Psalm 26:9-12

On Friday, I wrote about being a person of integrity, and yesterday, I wrote of living with an "attitude of gratitude." Today's verses wrap up this psalm nicely.

No matter what happens in life, even if we're surrounded by "sinners ... [and] bloodthirsty men," we have choices to make. We can buy into the world's sin and corruption, or we can "walk in integrity" and be the people God has created us to be. We can be shining lights in this dark world.

We can wallow in the mire of all that is wrong with this world—and perhaps in our own lives—or we can "stand in an even place ... [and] bless the L

It's not easy to stand strong when everyone around tells us to "live and let live." You don't have to live by old-fashioned morals, they say. If it makes you happy, do it, they cajole. Go to church on Sundays, if you must, but have fun the rest of the week, they entice.

Living like Christ, following biblical principles, being people of integrity ... these aren't popular.

If we are, however, redeemed by the blood of Christ, how can we live any other way? If we have experienced the grace our merciful God offers us, how can we not stand firm?

We who follow Christ are a blessed people. One day, we'll stand in front of our Redeemer ... Will He find us to be people of integrity who stood strong in faith?

I hope so. I pray so.

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