Monday, September 03, 2012

Are You Prepared? (2 Cor. 9:1-5)

Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:1-5

Are you prepared?

I live in Southern California, and we experience earthquakes periodically. Each time another earthquake occurs, everyone talks about being prepared: Do you have an earthquake kit, including plenty of water, food, flashlight, etc.? Do you have a communication plan, with an out-of-area contact? Do you have an “escape” plan to get you back home?

My answer? Yes and no. I do have adequate food at home, but I’m not certain about water. I have kit in my car, but I’m not sure if any of the food in it is good. I certainly have out-of-area contacts, but if my cell phone doesn’t work and if I’m not home, how will I call?

Being prepared is so very important. But even more importantly than being prepared for a natural disaster, we need to be prepared for eternity. And we need to help others be prepared as well. We had a guest speaker at church yesterday, and he said that when a person dies, he or she is in eternity, whether that eternity is in heaven or in hell.. Every person, no matter what his or her faith, will leave this world and enter the next.

While I may not be fully prepared for a major catastrophe, I am prepared for eternity. I have accepted the gift of salvation through belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have committed my life to serving God—Father, Son, and Spirit. I go to the throne of God daily and surrender myself to His purpose.

My desire now should be to help those around me who are not prepared for eternity become prepared. And I do this by sharing the good news of grace and helping them see the truth of God's word.

Because just as an occasional earthquake is inevitable here in Southern California, eternity is inevitable.

Are you prepared?

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