Thursday, May 02, 2013

The Triune God (John 5:18-23)

Today's scripture: John 5:18-23

The Christian concept of the trinity is difficult to understand. How can one God be three persons? It's beyond our human ability to
truly understand.

However, this is what the Bible says. Jesus, God the Son, came to earth to provide for our salvation. He talked many times about how God the Father worked through Him and how He was equal with the Father.

Just as in today's verses. Both the Father and the Son give life to the dead. Both the Father and the Son do great things. Both the Father and the Son should be honored.

It's interesting in verse 22, though, that Jesus says He, not the Father, will judge. Clearly, each part of the triune Godhead has his own distinct "responsibilities," for lack of a better term. God the Father is creator; He is sovereign. God the Son is redeemer and judge. God the Holy Spirit is helper and encourager, who convicts us when we sin.

No matter what, we should be giving honor to each person of the triune God. Worshipping and praising. Approaching with awe and wonder.

For He is good, gracious, merciful, loving, holy, compassionate ... and so many more attributes that this page can't fill.

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