Thursday, September 05, 2013

On the Way to the Cross: Peter's Denial (John 18:25-27)

Today's scripture: John 18:25-27

I can't tell you how often I've read or heard the story of Peter's denial of Jesus, and every time, my heart breaks. Not only does it break for Peter, it breaks for me.

Peter isn't the only one who denied his Savior.  I've denied Him myself ... more than once.

I picture Peter sitting near the fire. We sometimes don't give him credit—at least he was there. Only Peter and John actually followed Jesus after He was arrested; the rest had run away. He's sitting there, waiting to hear what is happening with Jesus. Then the first question, "Weren't you with Jesus?" The first denial. Someone else says, "I'm sure you were." A more forceful second denial. Finally, "Did I not see you ...?" A third, vehement denial ... and then the rooster crows ...

Imagine how Peter felt. Jesus had prophesied this very thing. Three denials before the rooster crowed. Peter had sworn he would follow Jesus to the death, and yet he had denied Him ... three times.

Peter immediately realized what he'd done, and he "wept bitterly" or as The Message says, he "cried and cried and cried" (Matthew 26:75). We know, of course, that Peter went on to be one of the founding fathers of our faith. We know his denial didn't beat him.

How reassuring to know that Jesus will redeem even those who deny Him! I spent so many years denying I knew Him. I never denied His existence, but if anyone asked, I too would say, "I don't know Him." Yet when I hit bottom and realized my need for Him, Jesus met me with open arms.

If you've denied Him for any reason, confess your need for Him. Because even if you've denied Him, He's never denied you.

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