Thursday, September 26, 2013

Out of the Pit ... and On Solid Rock (Psalm 40:1-2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 40:1-2

In the "perfect storm" that is my current life, I need to spend some time in the Psalms. I invite you to spend some time with me as I meditate on a couple of my favorites. For the next few days, let's look at Psalm 40.

I feel so tremendously blessed that we Christ-followers serve a personal God. Unlike other belief systems where the god or gods they serve are out "there" somewhere, our God is with us, and He hears us when we call to Him. He hears our cries.

When we feel like we've descended to the bottom of a "horrible pit," He lifts us up and sets us on a solid "rock," the rock of faith and grace and strength that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.

I mentioned the "perfect storm" I'm in, and yesterday, I felt rather "pit-ish." Stress and an over-loaded plate made me more emotional than usual, and even the smallest things set me off. I grumbled and complained ... if only to myself.

Then I recognized something very, very important: I hadn't spent time with the Lord. While I had meditated on the last verses of John for the morning's devotional, I hadn't had my quiet time, just sitting at the feet of my Lord. So I stopped what I was doing and rested in His presence for a while. In those moments, He reminded me how blessed I am, how I am able to do something I love, and how this "perfect storm" is temporary.

He lifted me out of that "horrible pit" of stress and frustration, and set me on the solid rock of His faithfulness.

What pit are you in today? Cry out to God, lift up your hands, and let Him set you on His solid rock.

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