Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Place of the Skull (John 19:16-25)

Today's scripture: John 19:16-25

Jesus has been betrayed. Arrested. Denied. Beaten. Ridiculed. He has gone through a sham of a trial. Stood before the High Priests, Pilate, and Herod. He has heard His own people cry, "Crucify Him!"

He has dragged His own cross through the streets of Jerusalem. When He could no longer carry the burden, a man from the crown completes the journey.

Now He is at the place called, "The Place of the Skull."  He has been nailed to that cross and is hanging in agony under a sign that tells the truth: "The King of the Jews."

As Jesus struggles to breathe, struggles to handle the pain, prophecy is fulfilled. The soldiers divide Jesus' clothes by casting lots because they don't want to tear His garments. This fulfills David's words in Psalm 22:18.

It's such a tragic scene, and it breaks my heart. Jesus went through so much for me, to provide for my salvation. He suffered incomprehensibly for me. Even though I know the end of the story, I still pause a moment in humble gratitude.

Perhaps you could do the same.

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