Monday, January 11, 2016

Affirmation ... Conviction ... Encouragement (Philippians 1:19-22)

Today’s scripture: Philippians 1:19-22

I do so love this book! So many great messages of affirmation, conviction, encouragement.

Today’s verses do all at the same time for me.

First, I’m encouraged when I remember how God uses the prayers of my brothers and sisters to “deliver me.” And I know when I pray for them, God delivers them as well—maybe not out of the pain, but through the pain.

Second, I’m convicted. I ask myself, how boldly do I share the good news of Christ’s gift of salvation? Are there times when I’m ashamed? I wish I could say, I speak with great confidence, never ashamed. But that wouldn’t be truth. I pray that each of us who follows Christ will boldly proclaim the truth of the Gospel.

Finally, I’m affirmed when I remember that living for Christ in this world brings God glory.

And then one last thing: That verse that says “to live is Christ … to die is gain”? I couldn’t agree more! I long for the day when I leave this frail, weak body and stand before my Lord and Savior. But I do know—and I’ve said this before—every day God wakes me out of bed is a day He can use me to serve Himself and others.

So although there are many days I’d choose being with Christ, I can live with confidence that I’m still supposed to live on in the flesh.

May I encourage you today? Live each and every day with a full-heart desire to serve God, knowing that you’re being lifted by my prayers and the prayers of your brothers and sisters.

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