Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Vessels of Honor ... and Dishonor (2 Timothy 2:20-21)

Today’s scripture: 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Vessels of honor … and vessels of dishonor.

We are all vessels created by God. He created each of us to serve and glorify Him. Some of us choose to do as He created and do “every good work.” We are vessels of honor, delighting our Master.

Others choose to do their own thing, live their own lives. And these are vessels of dishonor in the Master’s eyes.

I’ve been both. If you’ve followed this devotional for a while, you may have read that I spent twenty years on a quite meandering journey away from God. I made poor choices. I followed the world and allowed myself to be sucked in by its temporary pleasures. I was a dirty, useless vessel.

Then almost 23 years ago, I recommitted my life to God, and He cleansed that old vessel and began to use it. Over the years, I’ve sometimes allowed a little dirt to land, but I go immediately to the Lord, and He cleanses me again (1 John 1:9).

Our Lord God wants to use us. He invites us to participate in His kingdom-building plan and serve Him gladly. But He wants clean vessels. Ones He can honor and use with joy.

Are you a cleansed, honored vessel? If not, you can be. Just accept Jesus’ gift of cleansing salvation. Delight your Father, and be a part of His plan.

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