Monday, June 04, 2018

Truth, Hope, and Encouragement (Psalm 17:6-9)

Today's scripture: Psalm 17:6-9

I love how much truth and hope and encouragement I can find in just a few verses. As I read today's scripture, I find:

God hears me every time I call on Him. No matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing, He hears me. He "incline[s His] ear to me ..." This assurance encourages me so much!

He shows me "marvelous lovingkindness." My God, the Creator of the universe, loves me. Me. Flawed, fleshly, fallible me. He demonstrates His love in so many ways. Provision. Protection. Peace through the storm. Carrying me when I can't take a step (see yesterday's devotional).

I am the "apple of [His] eye." According to the Urban Dictionary, this phrase means "one's favorite person; the one you love most." While I don't believe God loves anyone more than others, it's encouraging to remember that He thinks I'm special ... and you are too!

He hides me "under the shadow of [His] wings." I don't have to worry about what the day will bring because He protects me. When the storms come, He covers me from the rain. When I face crises or difficulties, He will keep me safe.

Our God is so very good, and He loves to shower us with blessings ... and He loves to encourage us by reminding us of His love and care.

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