Monday, August 20, 2018

My Cup Runs Over ... (Psalm 23:5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 23:5

Sometimes, it seems that no matter how kind we are, no matter how much we love others, we still have enemies. Some people just won’t like us. In fact, some people may want to bring us down. We hear that someone has maligned us or gossiped about us. Or a rumor—blatantly untrue—comes to our attention.

Yet, even if we’re surrounded by enemies, we’re not alone. Our Shepherd is with us, protecting us and reminding us of how loved we are, how beautiful we are in His sight.

And when we’re hurting, He pours oil over us. In ancient times, shepherds would pour oil on the wounds of their sheep. Our Shepherd does the same for us. He soothes our pain with His grace and mercy.

And because of all He does for us—protecting us, providing for us, healing us—our “cups” of joy overflow.

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