Monday, August 13, 2018

Peace and Quiet (Psalm 23:2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 23:2

When I read these verses, I have an instant mental picture of a meadow with lush, green grass. I see the breeze rustling the trees and just over a gentle rise comes the song of a gently flowing stream.

I see myself flat on my back watching cotton candy clouds as they wisp overhead.

Quiet. Peacefulness.

And then I hear a voice—powerful, yet kind. It’s my gentle Shepherd.

“Rest, My child,” He soothes. “Shed the burdens of this day, and come to me. Let Me take whatever is causing you pain and share the load” (see Matt. 11:28-30).

So many times I let my daily pain and suffering steal my peace. I forget that my Lord wants to give me rest. Spiritual rest. Emotional rest. Physical rest.

And I can go to those green pastures. I can walk beside those still waters. I can experience peace that surpasses my human understanding, if only I let go (see Phil. 4:6-7).

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