Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Strength in Weakness (2 Cor. 12:7-10)

Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

So much has been questioned about Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.” Was it poor eyesight? Was it circumstances? Was it some other physical ailment? I don’t think it really matters exactly what Paul’s thorn was.

The important thing is that Paul had something that tormented him, something that he asked God to remove. Something that caused him so much pain—physical or emotional—that he implored God to take it away.

Implored means “to call upon in supplication (beseech); to call or pray for earnestly (entreat)” (Mirriam-Webster Dictionary). Paul wasn’t making a casual request. He earnestly pleaded for this thorn to be removed.

Sometimes I wonder if Paul’s “three times” really meant three “seasons.” I know I’ve gone through especially rough seasons with my health when I’ve certainly implored God to heal me. Yet other times, I just manage the pain with God’s strength. In any case, God had a different plan for Paul’s life … and for mine as well.

I’ve found my pain to be a blessing. Yes, a blessing. First, my pain—my weakness—truly is my strength because I’m so aware of God’s grace. More times than I can count, I’ve needed God’s strength just to get me out of bed. Second, God uses my pain to comfort others. Because I can sincerely relate to those who suffer from chronic health issues, I can encourage them by sharing how God has worked in and through my pain.

I would rather live in pain and be able to boast about Christ’s power in me than live pain-free without His strength ... because it is truly in my weakness that I am strong.


Anonymous said...

This puts me in awe of you and Him.

Sauni Rinehart said...

Only of Him, Julie, only of Him!