Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Our Unsearchable God (Psalm 145:3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 145:3

Yesterday, we praised God because He is everything. And we're continuing to praise Him today. As today's verse proclaims, "Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised."


But then it goes on to state that "His greatness is unsearchable."

We're the created. We're flawed. We're sinful. We're weak.

He's the Creator. He's perfect. He's holy. He's strong.

He is so much more than we are. His ways are not ours. His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). He is mysterious. Just as it should be.

I've probably written before that I love that God is unsearchable, that I can't know Him completely. I wouldn't want to serve a God I knew completely; if I did, then that would make me equal with Him. I want to serve a God who is so much greater than I. I want to serve a God who is infinite, all-knowing, all-powerful.

And so I can praise Him for His greatness. His unsearchable greatness.

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