Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Trust in the Lord (Psalm 11:1-3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 11:1-3

We are in a battle. A very real battle. And it's not just the "wars and rumors of wars" that were prophesied about (Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:7). No. We who follow Christ are in a war with those who would demean or destroy our faith.

Throughout the world, Christ-followers are being ridiculed, persecuted, and martyred, just because they choose to proclaim the truth of the Bible. Many, many times, it seems like the enemy is winning ... and it feels like our "foundations are destroyed." Earlier this year, a Times Magazine article stated that the number of Christians martyred in Syria doubled from 2012-2013 ... and that's just one country.

Today's psalm asks a question: "What can the righteous do?" We'll elaborate on this more tomorrow, but the answer is already there: "In the Lord I put my trust ..."

When the battles are fierce, when everyone around us tells us we're wrong, when the world's values seem to be overtaking everything, when lives are taken just for what they believe ... then the only thing we can do is trust the One who created all things. The One who is in loving, sovereign control. The One who knows exactly what's happening in each and every life.

The One who loves us more than we can imagine and far more than we deserve.

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