Monday, December 01, 2014

Blessing and Cursing (Psalm 62:3-4)

Today's scripture: Psalm 62:3-4

We've talked about integrity before, and I've mentioned the definition I like: being the same in public as one is in private. Verse four of today's scripture describes a person who is without integrity. He "bless[es] with [his] mouth," yet he "curse[s] inwardly." He shows compassion to his coworkers, but doesn't listen to his wife's concerns. She volunteers for every committee to appear helpful and giving, but complains about her "full plate."

We need to allow the Holy Spirit work in and through us. We need to strive to be the same outwardly and inwardly. We need to be loving, joyful, and patient in each and every circumstance—in public and in private.

We may think that what happens in our hearts doesn't matter. No one sees inside our hearts and minds, right? Absolutely not! Our God knows everything ... everything! Nothing can be hidden from Him. So, to think that we can harbor hate or anger or unforgiveness in our hearts is wrong. He sees all that junk.

If you're blessing with your mouth and cursing in your heart, ask the Lord to cleanse your heart from everything that does not strengthen and edify you and does not glorify the Lord.

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