Friday, November 28, 2014

Silently Wait (Psalm 62:1-2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 62:1-2

You've probably heard the saying that God answers prayers in three ways: yes, no, or wait. I'd rather have either yes or no than wait. Waiting is hard. It requires patience (with which I struggle) and trust (which I'm learning more and more each day).

The psalmist encourages us when God asks us to wait. We can "silently wait" because God is our salvation. Even more, we who have been blessed to live under the New Covenant can "silently wait" because we know God the Son, Jesus, Who is our Redeemer.

We can also "silently wait" because God is our rock. He is the solid ground upon which everything else stands. Remember the old hymn: "On Christ the solid rock I stand/All other ground is sinking sand"? We can trust the One who laid the foundation of this world, on Whom we stand firm. He has plans for each and every one of us, and He will bring those plans to fruition in His time.

Finally, we can "silently wait" because we know that He will defend us against the wiles and lies of the enemy of our souls. No matter what the enemy whispers in our ears, we can trust that God is in loving control, and one day, He will ultimately conquer the enemy.

For what are you waiting right now? For what do you pray over and over again? "Silently wait" for the Lord to answer according to His plan and in His timing.

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