Thursday, November 06, 2014

Mercy! (Psalm 6:7-10)

Today's scripture: Psalm 5:7-10

Yesterday focused on the wicked and evil ... the last two verses of today's scripture do the same.

I don't want to focus on wickedness this morning, though, so I'm going to focus on the first two verses instead (such is my prerogative as the writer!).

I've written before how I love the word "mercy." As we've seen before, grace is receiving what we don't deserve, and mercy is not receiving what we do deserve.

Our God is so patient and loving. I may be the only Christ-follower who slips up, who sometimes neglects time with the Lord, who battles habitual sin ... but, I sense I'm not alone. Yes, the longer I walk with the Lord, the less often I do these, but I still fail sometimes.

Yet, God continues to love me and bless me. Instead of the punishment I do deserve, He showers me with good things. He protects me and gives me strength. He provides for me and cares for my needs.

He guides my paths and gives me wisdom to make decisions. He allows me to serve Him and others using the gifts He's given me.

I deserve His turning His back on this flawed, fleshly vessel, but He invites me to climb on His lap and call Him, "Abba ... Daddy."

Ah, mercy.

Thank You, Lord God, for mercy. You continue to bless me beyond expectation, beyond anything that I deserve. Help me to serve You so that I can give You back even a fraction of what You've given me. Thank you.

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