Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Word of God (Psalm 12:6-8)

Today's scripture: Psalm 12:6-8

I absolutely love the Bible. I love how I can read the same portion of scripture over and over again, and each time learn something new. I love how one verse can both affirm and convict.

God's word is indeed "pure" as today's scripture asserts. It is truth and helps us to know Him better. We learn about Him and His will for us as we study and meditate on His word.

It is "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12, NASB), and works in our hearts to help us be more Christlike. We know how God wants us to live, what breaks His heart, and what delights Him.

The key words, though, are "study and meditate." We don't learn about God and His ways by merely owning a Bible. We must take time to really study and meditate on its truths ... and we need to do so every day.

I know it can be difficult to fit time with the Lord in our busy schedules, but I know from experience how important it is to ponder on God's word and apply what we learn. When I neglect focused, disciplined time in the Bible, I find myself becoming less content and less patient. Daily pain is more difficult to handle.

However, when I spend quality time with the Lord in His word, I remember how much He loves me. I desire to serve Him more and seek His will.

I encourage you to pick up your Bible and study His word. Focus on what He wants to tell you. Be encouraged by His love for you, and allow its truths to convict you so that you can be more and more like Christ.

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