Tuesday, November 11, 2014

God's Green Earth (Psalm 111:2-4b)

Today's scripture: Psalm 111:2-4a

Yesterday as I was driving to do some errands, I was blessed by the sight of majestic mountains, which I don't often see clearly, in the distance. Later, I glanced out into my backyard and had a splash of joy, watching hummingbirds flitting about.  Still later, I looked into the brown eyes of my sweet lab, and my heart was touched.

I couldn’t help but be in awe of God’s creation, and I thought to myself, How can anyone truly deny the existence of—at the very least—an Intelligent Designer? To think that all of this came from some kind of big bang that led to plant life and animal life. To think humanity developed from a single cell.

It makes no sense to me, and frankly takes a lot of faith.

What does make sense is that a loving, creative, glorious God created this world and all that’s in it. So much of what He created, He did so for our pleasure.  Those tiny birds and majestic mountains and my unconditionally loving pup … those things that bring us so much joy …

Just to make us smile …

I’m reminded of a line from a Point of Grace song, “God’s Green Earth”:

On God’s Green Earth
If every color was the same
And every child had just one name
There’d be no beauty for each of us to claim …
What an amazing, loving, creative God we serve!

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