Monday, September 04, 2017

"Barren" Joy (Psalm 113:9)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 113:9

This verse is especially dear to me.

If you’ve been reading this devotional for a while, you may know that the Lord didn’t bless my husband and me with children. Severe endometriosis caused infertility, and we decided against adoption.

However, while I don’t have children of my body, I have many children of my heart. Not only do I have wonderful nieces and nephews of whom I am very proud, but I also have several “adopted” young women whom I have been able to mentor. Even more, I have spiritual children who have come to faith or have grown in faith through God’s work in me.

So, when I read verses like today’s I know that, although I am “barren” by the world’s standards, I am a “joyful mother of children.” And I can truly praise the Lord!

If you don’t have children, whether by choice or circumstance, know that the Lord can use you to influence the lives of young people. Look for those opportunities to speak love and truth.

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