Friday, September 29, 2017

Joy through Nature (Psalm 98:7-9)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 98:7-9

Okay. I admit it. I’m a sucker for Disney and Pixar films. I love that kind of animation where animals sing and flowers dance. I guess it reminds me of simpler times.

There’s a scene in Alice in Wonderland where flowers serenade Alice. It’s a lovely (albeit sappy!) tune called “All in the Golden Afternoon.” It’s quite sweet. (See if you’re interested!)

I wonder sometimes if the wind blowing through trees or the sound of leaves falling or the roar of a mighty river is actually a song of praise to the Lord. After all, the Bible talks of “rivers clap[ping] their hands” and “hills be[ing] joyful.”

God is the creator of all things, so why wouldn’t His entire creation sing praises to Him? Why wouldn’t every creature worship the Creator?

Maybe it’s that child-likeness I still have that lets me imagine such a chorus.

But isn’t it nice to imagine? 

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