Monday, February 19, 2018

Hold My Hand More Tightly (Psalm 6:6-7)

Today's scripture: Psalm 6:6-7

I've been keeping a journal for going on 24 years now. When I start a new one (I’m currently in #42), I try to read all previous journals again. It's a wonderful way to see how God has worked in my life.

And it hasn't always been an easy life ...

When I was meditating on today's verses (neither of which seems very encouraging), I was reminded of how often I've felt "weary with my groaning ..." I've dealt with pain of one sort or another for 39 years, and I often groan with pain. Yes, I even "drench my couch with tears."

For years, I would whine and complain about how awful I felt. My journals were filled with, "I hurt, Lord ... if it's Your will, please heal me."

For reasons known only to Him, God has chosen not to heal me ... but He has worked a wonderful miracle: I rarely whine and complain any more. Yes, I still write about days when I feel more pain than usual or am extra weary. However, instead of asking "Why?," I merely ask Jesus to either hold my hand more tightly ... or carry me through.

It's human to groan when we're in pain, but I've discovered that it doesn't help anything to grumble and murmur ... No, part of truly dealing with pain is to just give it to the Lord. I may not fully understand why I live this way. I do know God has used my pain to help others, and for that, I'm grateful.

I also know that He continues to work in and through me refine me and make me more like Jesus.

And so, I may still groan, I may still weep, but I also trust my loving Lord to give me exactly what I need to get through each day.

If you're in pain today, lift your hand and say, "Jesus, will you hold my hand more tightly?"

He will.

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