Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Vice-Like Grip (Psalm 46:6-7)

Today's scripture: Psalm 46:6-7

This Psalm just keeps getting better! Yesterday, we learned God is in the midst of our lives. He will help us.

Today, we’re reminded again that the “Lord of hosts is with us.” But even more, He’s our stronghold. A synonym for stronghold is “vice-like grip.”

Don't you love that image?

We can hold onto God with a grip nothing can shake. As the apostle Paul wrote, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from Christ’s love (see Romans 8:38-39).

He is our stronghold, in our vice-like grip. What a wonderful blessing we have to know God is with us. The Sovereign Creator and Lord of all is with us.

And nothing can pull Him from us. Nothing.

Amen and amen.

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