Thursday, February 06, 2014

Grace and Refuge (Psalm 57:1)

Today's scripture: Psalm 57:1

Grace. Amazing Grace.

We use that word a lot ... a lot. Sometimes, I think we overuse it. A common definition of grace in Christian circles is "unmerited favor." Getting something we don't deserve.

And God continually gives us what we don't deserve. Or perhaps I should speak only for myself. I've been a Christian since I was six years old. I believe with all my heart that my child-like faith was sincere and that Jesus entered my life with a simple prayer.

But I allowed circumstances to take me away from that child-like faith, and beginning at age nine, for 20 years, I followed my own path, did my own thing. I serve a loving God, though, and when I fell to my knees over 20 years ago, He offered me grace, forgiving me even when I didn't deserve it.

Since then, He's given me so much more than I deserve. One of the greatest comforts in following God is described in today's scripture. My soul indeed takes refuge in my Lord. When weariness overtakes, when pain escalates, when people let me down ... I find my refuge under the shadow of His wings.

He doesn't have to offer me refuge. He could just let me face the giants on my own. But He is gracious. He offers what I don't deserve.

Just because He loves me.

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