Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Image of God (Psalm 17:15)

Today's scripture: Psalm 17:15

The Bible tells us that the first man was made in the "image of God" (Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve, before the fall, communed with the Creator Himself. Then sin entered the world, and everything was skewed.

Perhaps that image was skewed as well. Perhaps we don't carry the image of God on our faces. When we commit our lives to the Lord, though, we begin a journey to become more and more like Jesus.

We strive to be more loving, kinder, and gentler. We demonstrate more patience and joy. We are more forgiving.

In these ways, we are indeed showing God's image. The more we live like Christ, the more like Him we are. The more we are like Him, the more we may attract others to Him.

One day, we will do more than see Christ through our fellow believers. One day, we will see our Lord face-to-face. We will see His work in us and in the lives of others who follow Him.

While we linger on earth, our goal should be to live like Christ, being a godly influence on those around us. The, we can look forward to the day when we see Him ... face-to-face.

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