Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Believe ... Therefore, Speak (2 Corinthians 4:13-15)

Today's scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:13-15

As often happens, today’s verses both convicted and encouraged me.

The conviction comes from verse 13: “… we also believe, therefore we also speak …”

I believe in God—Father, Son, and Spirit—with all my heart. I believe this world was created by Him. I believe sin entered the world when Adam and Eve chose to follow their own way instead of God’s. I believe God always had a plan of salvation that culminated with the death, burial, and resurrection of God the Son, Jesus Christ.

I believe this with all my heart.

Yet, how often do I speak about what I believe? Not often enough. And I have such easy “openers.” I have a speaking ministry. I teach for a Christian university. There is nothing that should keep me from telling others about my beliefs … nothing except my own feelings of inadequacy or fear, that is.

I’m challenging myself to take every opportunity to just say, “This is what I do,” and see how the lines of communication open.

But I’m also encouraged by these verses when I remember how the story of God’s grace is “spreading to more and more people.” Even if I’m not speaking as often as I could, I’m so grateful for those who have heard God’s call and speak His name with boldness.

As I write these words, one of my nephews and his wife are preparing to move half-way around the world to serve as full-time missionaries. They go with boldness and enthusiasm, eager to share Christ with others.

God’s story will be told, with me or without me. With you or without you.

I think I’d rather it be told with me. What about you?


Jul said...

Good stuff to dwell on. :)

Jul said...

Good stuff to dwell on. :)