Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Love Jesus (John 14:18-24)

Today's scripture: John 14:18-24

How do you show you love someone? Bring them gifts? Compliment them? Want to be with them? Say the words?

How do you know someone loves you?

Jesus tells us how He knows we love Him: If we love Him, we will keep His commandments. What exactly did Jesus command?

Commandments abound throughout the Old Testament. We certainly know the Ten Commandments: we're to love our God, not have idols, not take His name in vain; we're not to murder or commit adultery or covet (see Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:1-21). The book of Leviticus is full of commandments, and other Old Testament books (Joshua, Judges, the prophets) all tell us of God's expectations for His children.

The New Testament also tells us how we're supposed to behave as children of God. Letters from Paul, Peter, and John offer a plethora of commandments.

I'm certain Jesus wanted His followers to follow biblical commandments, but what did He command? He seemed to focus on those commandments that require love and service. When asked what the greatest commandment was, He answered clearly and concisely: Love God; love others (Mark12:29-31). When Peter said he loved Jesus, Jesus' said Peter could show love by caring for others (John 21:15-17). Jesus Himself demonstrated His love by serving, especially when He washed His disciples' feet. What was His command then? His disciples were to serve as He did (John 13:14); we who follow Him should serve this way as well.

So ... Jesus said that whoever loves Him keeps His commandments. This is a litmus test for us. Do we faithfully keep the Ten Commandments, but malign our neighbor? Do we keep the letter of the law, but neglect the needs of others?

If we truly love Jesus, we will do as He did. We will love God with all we are, and we will love those around us. We will serve however we're needed. We will help the "least of these" (Matthew 25:31-46). We will be the light of Jesus in a very dark world.

Is that how you love Him?

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