Monday, July 15, 2013

Relevant Words (John 12:36b-43)

Today's scripture: John 12:36b-43

I just so love how relevant the Bible is! Many say the Bible is old and dusty. Its words have no real meaning. It was written for a particular people and time, and it's not applicable for us today.

This is so far from the truth!

So often, I read God's words and then watch the news ... and the news completely supports the verses I've read. In addition, the Bible offers so many guidelines (loving others; thinking of others more highly than we do ourselves; not relying on worldly possessions) that are pertinent today. If only we would live by them ...

The Bible is also relevant when we look at how people respond to Jesus. Just in today's verses, we see two kinds of people: those who've seen the truth, yet choose not to believe; those who believe, but are afraid to tell others because of what they might say.

It breaks my heart to see how many people are walking away from the truth. I know several who were raised to know Jesus, who at one time committed their lives to Him. Yet now, in spite of how they've seen Jesus work, they've chosen not to believe. It breaks my heart as well to see those who continue to hear the truth, but they too refuse to believe. They've "hardened their hearts," just as the Bible says many will.

Then there are those who have put their faith in Jesus, yet they hide the truth from their friends and family. Why? Because they're afraid of what people might say. Will they make fun? Ridicule? Worse? Perhaps they live in an area where Christians are persecuted, so yes, they're afraid. But what about those who "love the approval of men rather than the approval of God"? It's one thing to hesitate to share one's faith because of the threat of torture or death (and really, how many of us face that?); it's something altogether different to not share because someone might tease or make fun.

We have been given the greatest gift: salvation. We have the privilege of a relationship with the Most High God. We have the greatest message.

Don't harden your heart. Look at the evidence. Let Jesus speak to you. Then commit yourself to the One who loves you beyond your comprehension. And tell others so they can accept the same gift.

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