Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Praise God ... Really! (Psalm 71:14-16)

Today's scripture: Psalm 71:14-16

Today's devotional is short and sweet.

We are given a great privilege of praising God, and He deserves nothing less. He is the Creator; we are the created. He is strong; we are weak. He is holy; we are sinful.

Yet, even though we are weak and sinful, He wants to hear from us. He wants to know that we honor and revere Him—and rightfully so.

I've heard recently that praising God is for us because it makes us feel good, and yes, when I praise Him, I certainly feel very blessed. But my praising God should never be about me. About how I feel. About how I sound when I sing.

No, I should be praising Him because I am in awe of who He is. Because He deserves my focused worship. Because He is worthy of every ounce of glory and honor. Because He is the only way to redemption. Because He is righteous. Because He is my source of peace and hope.

Because He is God.

And I am not.

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