Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Revival and Comfort (Psalm 71:19-20)

Today's scripture: Psalm 71:19-20

Do you ever find yourself in need of being revived? Of being comforted?

You may be thinking: Every. Single. Day.

I can certainly relate.

It seems like, more and more, I need a supernatural revival just to get out of bed each morning. As my various health issues continue to sap my daily strength, I need the strength that comes only through my Lord Jesus Christ.

And those days when I feel lonely or sad or melancholy—and they do come—I know I can crawl on my Abba's lap and seek the comfort of His arms.

That's why I love verses like today's. I'm reminded that the righteous, one-and-only God does "great things" like creating the universe, yet He also takes time for me and my in-the-grand-scheme-of-things minor troubles.

He offers spiritual refreshment. He showers me with abundant blessings. His mercies overflow.

He revives me when I feel down in the "depths of the earth." He offers comfort when I'm hurting.

He loves me. He loves you.

Ask Him for physical or spiritual revival today. Crawl on His lap and seek His comfort.

Our righteous, loving God will give you what you need.

Every. Single. Day.

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