Sunday, July 31, 2011

Exalt the Lord ... Every Day (Ps. 99:9)

Exalt the LORD our God
And worship at His holy hill,
For holy is the LORD our God.

(Psalm 99:9, NASB)

How appropriate to end this psalm with words of praise on this Lord’s day!!

Depending upon where you live, you’ve already attended a worship service, you’re praising God right now, or you will be enjoying fellowship with other believers soon.

No matter where or when you might be gathering with other “family” members, your praise and worship doesn’t have to stop there. In fact, it shouldn’t.

Today—and every day—should be spent in exaltation of the holy Lord. We can praise Him when we get up in the morning. When we eat breakfast. When we take our morning shower. When we drive to school or work. When we exercise. When we sit at a desk or play with our friends. When we have dinner with our family. When we lie down to sleep.

Words of praise and worship should continually be flowing through our hearts and minds.

That’s why I love music so very much. I can praise God throughout my day by singing my favorite hymns and praise songs. And that’s why I try to memorize parts of scripture. I can praise God with words of exaltation as I’m reminded of His attributes.

So today, on this day many of us set aside to attend worship services, don’t just praise Him as you sit in a pew. Praise Him all day. Today and every day.

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