Thursday, July 28, 2011

The One and Only God (Ps. 99:2-3)

The LORD is great in Zion,
And He is exalted above all the peoples.
Let them praise Your great and awesome name;
Holy is He.

(Psalm 99:2-3, NASB)

One of the saddest commentaries of current culture is the idea that there are many gods—even that we can be gods ourselves.

There is only one God. Only one.

And one day, every person who ever lived or will live will recognize this truth. (See Phil. 2:9-11.)

Those of us who know Him and have committed our lives to Him will praise His great and awesome name. We will stand in His presence in reverent awe, rejoicing that we will spend eternity with Him.

But the millions who have denied His existence will stand before Him and experience His final judgment. They will know—for certain—that He is the one and only God. And then they will be separated from their Creator forever.

I don’t know about you, but this makes it all the more urgent to gently and lovingly share Christ. We need to be Christ’s light to a dark world. We need to love as Christ loves—with patience and kindness and gentleness.

We need to help those who say “there may be a god” or “there is no god” see that there is. There is a God … the one and only God. The God who loves them. The God who wants to spend eternity with them (2 Peter 3:9).

The one great God.

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