Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Are You "Blameless"? (Psalm 51:1-4)

Today's scripture: Psalm 51:1-4

We’re going to spend the next few days in one of my favorite psalms. This nineteen verse psalm is full. Of conviction. Of affirmation. Of encouragement.

And it starts with conviction.

We are sinful, fleshly creatures. And when we sin, we do so against one Person only: our Sovereign Lord and Creator. He would well be within His rights to annihilate each and every one of us. But He is merciful. He is loving. And He chooses to forgive us. He choose to “blot out” our sin and to “wash [us] thoroughly” and “cleanse” us from our sin.

It’s only because of His love for us and His mercy that we are “blameless” in His sight. One day He will judge every person who ever lived, and only those of us who are cleansed by His loving mercy and grace will spend eternity with Him.

Will you be “blameless” when you stand before Him? Will you be confident that your sins are indeed blotted out? Cleansed? Washed?

The only way to be sure is to believe in the one way, one truth, and one way to the Father, and that’s His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). And if you don’t know this Jesus, read the book of John. You’ll meet Him and learn how to be in relationship with Him.

And then you too can be certain that God sees you as “blameless.”

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