Thursday, January 03, 2013

Love God? Follow His Commandments (2 John 1:4-6)

Today's scripture: 2 John 1:4-6

If you’ve read 1 John (or journeyed through that book with me last month), these words may sound very familiar. John had a central theme in both books: truth and love.

God’s word is truth. The gospel is truth. We need to embrace God’s truth and live according to His commandments.

And we’re to love. Love God and love others.

How do we demonstrate love for God? We “walk according to His commandments.”

This idea of showing our love for God by following His commandments is so very important. It was important enough for John to write two letters about it. And it’s important enough for us to read two letters about it.

I’ve written this before: We cannot say we love God and then disregard His commandments. It’s mutually exclusive. When we truly love someone, we want to please him. We want to make him happy. We want to give him the desires of his heart. Right?

And the desire of God’s heart is that we obey Him. That we serve Him. That we follow His commandments.

He is Almighty God, and He deserves nothing less than our complete surrender.

Love Him, yes. And demonstrate that love by following Him and all He commands.

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