Thursday, January 24, 2013

Surrendered Hearts (Psalm 51:18-19)

Today's scripture: Psalm 51:18-19

Yesterday, we talked about how God was much more pleased with our broken and contrite hearts rather than sacrifices.

Today’s verses seem to contradict that. Not really. Sometimes, we need to meditate on verses remembering the context and the time in which they were written. When David wrote these words, the Christ hadn’t come to earth yet. And the only way to demonstrate contrition was through burnt offerings.

For reasons beyond our understanding, God requires the spilling of blood for atonement. And before the Son came to earth and became our once-for-all sacrifice, that blood was offered on the altar of the tabernacle.

But there’s a key word in these verses. A mere sacrifice wasn’t sufficient. It needed to be a sacrifice of righteousness. Just as we need to come to God with broken and contrite hearts seeking His forgiveness, God was pleased with sacrifices from sincere hearts seeking redemption.

And as we saw yesterday, God desires completely surrendered hearts. He did then. And He does now.

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