Monday, March 27, 2017

Hope in Being God's Heir (Titus 3:7)

Today’s scripture: Titus 3:7

The verses that precede this are about God’s love for us that was demonstrated through salvation through Jesus Christ. They remind us that God is indeed merciful.

But we have hope in more than our earthly salvation although that’s certainly a marvelous, amazing thing. Our hope is in an eternal future with Jesus, worshipping Him, praising Him, living with Him.

And did you notice a key word? We are heirs to God’s kingdom. We aren’t just an add-on or an after-thought. We are children—adopted by grace—of God.

It’s really enough that God provides salvation from our sins. It’s really enough that He blesses us and provides for us. It’s really enough that He protects us and hears us when we cry out to Him.

But it wasn’t enough for Him.

It wasn’t enough that He saved us on this earth.

No, He wants more.

He wants us to be a part of His family. He wants us to enjoy eternity in the home He’s prepared for us.

He wants to be our Father. Our forever Father.

Think about this for a moment. When you came to know Jesus, you became an actual member of God’s family, His son or daughter. Thank Him that He’s your Father and that you’ll be with Him forever.

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