Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hope in God's Word (Psalm 119:114)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 119:114

Have you ever read a verse in the Bible, one that you may have read many times, and it touches you in a new and unique way?

I love that. It’s one of my most favorite things about God’s word.

I was reading through the psalms not too long ago and came across this verse that I’ve read many times. It’s been a favorite of mine for a while, and I love to remember that I can hope in God’s word.

But this time, this wonderful psalm showed me two things:

God is my hiding place, a place of refuge, a place where I can hide when I’m scared or lonely or tired. I picture myself crawling up on my Abba’s lap and resting in His arms. What an amazing thought!

God is also my shield, my protector, my strength. He will stand before me when the enemy strikes. When the arrows are flying about me, I can hide behind Him and His word.

Knowing God and understanding His love for me gives me hope.

Knowing that He is there to offer a place of refuge and protection gives me hope.

Spend some time rereading a couple of your favorite verses, and ask God to reveal new truths to your heart. Find hope in His words to you.

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