Friday, August 29, 2014

Thoughts for today ...

I had some technical difficulties this morning, so I'm temporarily veering off course ...

Over the last few days, I've been engaged in the "five days of thankfulness" challenge on Facebook. I've expressed gratitude for grace and mercy, for my husband, for my friends. For my dogs, for a comfortable home, for a flexible work schedule.

It's a good practice to remember how very, very blessed I am.

I haven't posted today's three things on Facebook, but this is one of the things about which I'm going to write:

I'm thankful for my ill-health. 

I know that may sound strange, but I am. When I wake up each morning, I have to rely on the strength of the Lord. I don't have any choice. My pain requires focus on the only One who can get me through each day. 

I know myself well ... If I were whole and healthy, I would take control of each day and think I had it all together. And I don't. I can be pretty independent, and my health issues keep me dependent on God.

And that's what I really want. To be focused and dependent on my God who has offered me grace and mercy.

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